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Ctg-Dhaka highway: Vehicles plying Dhaka-bound lane as floodwater recedes

Vehicular movement on the Chattogram-Dhaka highway partially resumed this morning, after four days of disruption, as floodwater started to recede from the road.
Khairul Islam, superintendent of Highway Police in Cumilla Region, told The Daily Star, “Chattogram to Dhaka bound lane was partially restored after floodwater began to recede last night. Heavy vehicles like lorries, trucks, and buses that were stuck on the highway are now moving slowly towards Dhaka, he said.

However, the traffic movement on opposite lane remains halted due to flooding in Feni.
Several sections of the highway, including Lalpol and Mahipal in Feni, is still under floodwater, according to police and travellers who spoke to the newspaper in the morning.
Yesterday, police and highway officials reported that flooding across a five to six-kilometre stretch in Feni’s Lalpol area had caused a tailback of nearly 50 kilometres.
